How to Make Dating Easier as A Highly Intuitive Person

Intuitive people are individuals who possess a heightened sense of intuition and rely on their inner knowing, hunches, and gut feelings to guide their decisions and actions.

They tend to be perceptive, sensitive, and aware of the subtle nuances of their environment and the people around them.

Intuitive characteristics

Here are some common characteristics of intuitive people:

1. Trust their instincts

Intuitive people listen to their inner voice and trust their gut feelings, even when it doesn’t seem to make sense logically. They have a strong sense of intuition that guides them in making decisions and taking action.

2. Highly perceptive

They are very aware of what’s going on around them, and they can pick up on things that other people might miss. They notice subtle cues in body language and can read between the lines in conversations.

3. Empathic

Intuitive people are very in tune with the emotions of others. They’re compassionate and sensitive, and they have a knack for understanding how people are feeling even when they don’t express it directly.

4. Creative

They’re imaginative and can think outside the box. They see patterns and connections that others might miss, and they’re able to come up with creative solutions to problems.

5. Introspective

They spend time reflecting on their thoughts and feelings, and they’re very self-aware. They think deeply about things and try to understand themselves on a deeper level.

6. Open-minded

They’re willing to consider new ideas and perspectives, even if they don’t agree with them. They’re open to learning and exploring new things, and they don’t judge people based on their beliefs or opinions.

7. Non-judgmental

They don’t jump to conclusions about people or situations. They’re able to see things from different perspectives and understand that everyone has their own unique experiences and viewpoints. They’re accepting of others and don’t judge them based on their differences.

Have you done an MBTI test?

You might have heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)— it’s a personality assessment tool that categorizes people into different types based on their preferences in four areas: how they focus their attention (extraversion vs. introversion), how they take in information (sensing vs. intuition), how they make decisions (thinking vs. feeling), and how they approach life (judging vs. perceiving).

Now, when it comes to intuition, people who score high in the “intuition” category tend to be more imaginative, future-oriented, and abstract in their thinking. They rely on their instincts and hunches to guide them through life, rather than relying solely on data and logical reasoning. They’re often described as having a “sixth sense” or being able to pick up on things that others might miss.

So, if you’re an intuitive person according to the MBTI, you might find that you often go with your gut feelings and trust your instincts when making decisions. You might also be drawn to creative pursuits and enjoy exploring new ideas and possibilities. On the other hand, you might struggle with following strict rules or routines, and might find it challenging to focus on details or practical matters.

Who are you compatible with as an intuitive person?

Intuitive people tend to get along well with others who share their intuitive nature. This means that they tend to have great conversations and understand each other on a deep level. They appreciate people who are imaginative, insightful, and able to see the big picture.

That being said, intuitive people can also have great relationships with sensing types, but it may take a bit more effort to understand each other’s perspectives. Sensing types tend to focus on the present and what’s happening in their environment, while intuitive types tend to think more about the future and the abstract.

So while intuitive people may naturally gravitate towards other intuitive people, they can still have fulfilling relationships with sensing types by making an effort to understand each other’s differences and find common ground. Ultimately, it’s about finding someone who shares your values and goals, regardless of their personality type.

Why dating might be hard for a highly intuitive person

While intuitive people possess many positive traits, there can also be some challenges that come with having a strong sense of intuition.

1. Overthinking

Because intuitive people are highly attuned to their environment, they may also be highly sensitive to small details that others might overlook. This can lead to overthinking, analyzing situations in great detail, and struggling to make decisions.

2. Difficulty in explaining intuition

It can be difficult for intuitive people to explain their decisions or opinions based on intuition to others who rely more on logic and reasoning. This can lead to misunderstandings or a lack of validation, causing intuitive people to doubt themselves.

3. Taking on the emotions of others

Empathy is a common trait among intuitive people, but it can also lead to taking on the emotions of others, leading to emotional exhaustion and burnout.

4. Being overly self-critical

Because intuitive people tend to be introspective and reflective, they may be overly self-critical, leading to feelings of self-doubt and anxiety. They can be hard on themselves if a date doesn’t go well. 

5. Feeling overwhelmed by input

Intuitive people can be highly attuned to their environment and may struggle with sensory overload or being overwhelmed by too much input.

6. Feeling unseen and alone

Highly intuitive people are not the most common type, so when they meet new people, they might find it hard to find the deep and meaningful connection they desire and feel unseen, especially by the S (sensing) type. This can cause intense pain and stress, especially if they haven’t developed a strong identity and self-esteem.

7. Difficulty with assessing a potential partner based on facts

Intuitive people may struggle with linear thinking or approaching problems in a step-by-step manner, leading to difficulties in taking time to assess a potential partner based on observations and facts.

It’s important to note that not all intuitive people will experience these challenges, and there are many benefits to having a strong sense of intuition. However, being aware of these potential challenges can help individuals with strong intuition learn how to manage and use their intuition in a way that works for them.

Dating tips for intuitive people

1. Develop self-awareness:

As an intuitive person, you can benefit from developing self-awareness to better understand how your intuition works and what triggers your overthinking, self-doubt, or emotional overwhelm.

A powerful tool to increase self-awareness is journaling. By writing down your thoughts and feelings, you can be more mindful of them. You can also use journaling to track your progress and identify patterns in your behavior. 

Another tip is to try free writing. Free writing is simply writing down anything that comes to your mind without even worrying whether it’s grammatically correct. Then you can re-read and make notes of it. 

Thirdly, getting feedback from people you trust can help you understand and improve yourself in a constructive way. Remember to listen and not defend yourself. The things they say about you reflect their perspectives of you, not who you are to everyone, so you can choose what you want to take in and not. If you’re worried people might not be honest when asked to give feedback, you can ask them for “advice” instead. 

You can also seek professional help such as a coach or a therapist to gain more insights into yourself.

2. Make sure you have a strong support system

Surround yourself with supportive people who understand and validate your intuitive nature, such as families, close friends, or a community of other intuitive people. This can help build confidence, reduce self-doubt, and give you a sense of emotional safety when experiencing the uncertainty of a new dating situation.

3. Use intuition as a tool, not the only tool

Use intuition as one tool in their decision-making toolkit, alongside logic, reasoning, and practical considerations.

In the context of relationships, you should look for signs of compatibility based on facts and important factors such as shared values and life goals. You can note down your observations of your dates to make sure you’re not carried away with your emotions.

4. Set boundaries

Learning to set boundaries is very important for intuitive people. There are two types of boundaries: External boundaries and internal boundaries. External boundaries are the boundaries you set with others while internal boundaries are the boundaries you set with yourself. 

When communicating your boundaries to your partner, be clear and concise. Use “I” statements to express your feelings and avoid blaming or attacking your partner. It’s important to be consistent in enforcing your boundaries. If you don’t enforce them consistently, your partner may not take them seriously. Use both actions and words. 

Remember that setting boundaries is a way to protect yourself and your emotional well-being, which is essential to building a healthy and happy relationship. Stay true to yourself and don’t compromise on your values and beliefs.

5. Embrace your gifts

It’s very important to see your intuition and empathy as strengths and lean on them instead of trying to shrink them. Because they are your gifts. When a partner makes you doubt yourself and think negatively about your intuition, deep thoughts, and emotions, it’s a sign to take a step back and re-evaluate the relationship.

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