How My Husband Knew I Was a Woman Worth Pursuing

man giving woman a jacket wanting to pursue her

In the world of modern dating, finding a lasting connection can often feel like navigating through a maze. However, certain qualities and behaviors can make a significant impact in the early stages of a relationship.

I want to share my personal experience — how I carried myself and treated my husband in the early days of our dating to communicate my values, interests, and intention as he made the first moves and consistently made an effort to pursue a relationship with me.

1. Embracing Singleness as a Strength

In my journey, I had undergone a process of healing and self-discovery. Recognising the value of being single, I knew that any relationship I entered needed to bring additional enrichment to my life.

This mindset was crucial because it meant that I wasn’t seeking a partner out of neediness or desperation. Instead, I was looking for a relationship that would complement my already content and fulfilled life.

My husband saw this self-sufficiency and was drawn to my independence and sense of completeness.

2. Prioritising Self-Care and Wellness

I made sure to take care of myself, both mentally and physically.

Approaching dating from a position of strength and joy, I projected an aura of self-assuredness. This approach not only made me feel good about myself but also demonstrated to my husband that I valued and respected myself.

It set a tone for how I expected to be treated and showed him that I was someone who invested in her personal growth and happiness.

3. Reciprocating Interest While Maintaining Independence

When it came to interacting with my husband, I made sure to reciprocate his interest and intentions while continuing to live my life as usual.

This balance was key.

By responding promptly to his messages, asking him personal questions, and being flexible with plans, I showed my interest.

However, by maintaining my schedule and suggesting alternative dates when necessary, I communicated that my world was full and rich even outside of dating him — I made space for him because I wanted to.

4. Clear Communication of Preferences

I always made a point to clearly communicate my likes and dislikes, either directly or through clear suggestions.

This openness removed the guesswork and potential misunderstandings from our interactions. It also showed my husband that I was someone who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to express it, a quality that is vital for healthy and honest communication in any relationship.

He knew how to make me happy and I could see him putting in the effort every day to do it. Later, in his vow, he said making me smile was the biggest achievement of his life, and I felt that.

5. Sharing and celebrating each other’s Interests and Achievements

Having a variety of hobbies and interests not only made my life more fulfilling but also attracted my husband to me.

For instance, the fact that I had self-published a book when we met was a point of respect and admiration. He even bought a physical copy of my book.

This mutual respect and interest in each other’s passions helped keep our spark alive, even after years of being together.

6. Making space for him in my daily activities

Though I was completely self-sufficient, I consciously made space in my life for my husband.

An example of this was when he wanted to join me for family gift shopping during the first month of dating. By allowing him to participate in aspects of my life, I gave him opportunities to know me better and to contribute in meaningful ways.

This not only showed that I valued his company and assistance but also fostered a sense of teamwork in our budding relationship and demonstrated that I also wanted to pursue a relationship with him, not just temporary fun.

7. Engaging in Thoughtful Conversations

Our conversations were always meaningful and allowed us to share our values and personal stories.

This depth of communication helped us understand each other on a deeper level, creating a strong emotional connection early on.

It showed my husband that I was interested not just in superficial chatter but in truly getting to know him as a person.

8. Being Generous and Genuine with Compliments

I believed in the power of genuine compliments and made sure to express my appreciation and admiration openly.

This honesty and authenticity in expressing my feelings contributed to a positive and affirming atmosphere in our relationship, something that my husband greatly valued.

9. Having fun together

We made sure to have a lot of fun together. Enjoying each other’s company and creating memorable experiences was a key part of our early relationship.

This focus on enjoyment and shared happiness showed my husband that life with me could be both fulfilling and enjoyable.

10. No Entanglements with the Past

Finally, I had taken the time before our relationship to work through my past issues, including therapy and cutting ties with undefined relationships.

By the time I started dating my husband, I was fully ready to move forward. This clarity and lack of baggage allowed us to start our relationship on a clean slate, free from the complications of unresolved past issues.

These ten aspects of how I carried myself in the early days of dating were instrumental in showing my husband that I was a woman worth pursuing. It wasn’t just about playing a role or following a set of rules.

It was about being true to myself, knowing my worth, and being open to sharing my life with someone who respected and cherished those qualities.

How my husband knew I was a woman worth pursuing

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