In 2019, I Hope You’ll Stop Waiting For Your Life To Begin

In 2019, I hope you’ll stop waiting for someone to come to make things better. You’ll stop waiting to be discovered. Instead, you will take action for yourself. You will be loud, be bold, be expressive. You’ll take space. You will shout out your name and rightfully demand attention on your amazing work. You will speak up, tell your stories, and be unapologetic. You will stop making excuses as to why you have to do what you’re doing, and why you can’t do what you actually love. You will just do it. Start right here. You will stop wasting your precious time. You will stop waiting for your life to begin.

In 2019, I hope you’ll stop waiting for someone to make you feel something. You’ll feel that something right now whether you’re with someone or not. You’ll stop selling yourself short. You’ll stop waiting to be validated. You’ll realise you’re already worth more than any validation anyone could give you, and nothing could change what’s inherently valuable about you. You’ll stop looking for the missing parts, for you’re already whole. You’ll stop waiting for the right moment. Instead, you’ll make this moment right by giving it your all. You’ll live your life in the present tense, engaging with the physical world around you fully, enthusiastically. You’ll allow yourself happiness even when happiness feels unfamiliar and uncomfortable. You’ll get used to it.

In 2019, I hope you’ll stop repeating yourself, your unhealthy patterns. I hope you’ll make better decisions. Different ones. New ones. Beneficial ones. I hope you’ll choose peace, choose health, choose love, choose the fire in you — always. I hope you’ll love yourself enough to let go of what doesn’t serve you, the baggage that doesn’t define you any longer — ruthlessly. I hope you’ll be kind and compassionate towards yourself. Cleanse your mind from the thoughts that hurt you. Remove the people who don’t see your value regardless of the reasons. Cut ties with toxic fantasies. I hope you will stop waiting for your life to begin because it is happening. You’re standing in your own garden. Do you see the trees, the flowers you planted? Do you smell your own proud sweat over the years?

In 2019, I hope you’ll take good care of yourself. You’ll treat yourself as the person you want to be who deserves all the goodness in life. Eat good food. Be the good company you want to surround yourself with. Wear the clothes that make you feel your best. Every single day. Be generous to yourself. Be light. Be silly. Let the child in you come out to play. In 2019, I hope you’ll stop waiting for permissions to live your life the way you want it. You’ll stop explaining yourself. You’ll stop holding your breath anxiously wishing for a miracle. You’ll allow yourself to be that miracle. You’ll believe in your own light and you’ll fight hard for your dreams. Even when the whole world tells you no, you’ll keep saying yes to yourself. You’ll refuse to shrink, to be diminished. You’ll pass the love that makes you skinny.

In 2019, I hope you’ll relax. You’ll stop rushing yourself. You’ll welcome stillness into your life and trust the universe to guide you when you slow down to listen. You’ll listen to the sounds of your heart beating, of future unfolding naturally beneath your steps. You’ll move at your own pace, patiently.  

From now till the end of life, please make it worthwhile. Please stay aware, informed, educated. Please be positive and confidently march forward — It will be okay. Even if you don’t care about big dreams, don’t let each day be a dread. Don’t let bad mood rob yourself of the good times you can never get back. Take responsibility for your happiness. It’s not dependent on anyone or anything. It’s within you. It’s a conscious practice. Do it — Good things will follow. I hope by the end of 2019, when you turn around, you will feel a sense of fullness, of comfort, of love, of harmony.   

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