7 Signs You’re Emotionally Mature

Emotional maturity is one of the key ingredients of a fulfilling life. When you’re emotionally immature, you take it out on your surroundings but you end up suffering the most. You suffocate yourself with your own negative energy.
Meanwhile, high emotional maturity enables you to maximise your resources and use them on what matters most. It brings positivity into your life and helps you cultivate meaningful long-lasting relationships.
Here are the 7 signs you’re emotionally mature:
1. You understand your emotional state
You’re aware of how you feel and you know why you feel how you feel. You’re able to put a name to each emotion if you have to.
However, you don’t just look at the symptoms — you dig through to the cause which you know might sometimes be deep-rooted and have little to do with the triggers. That’s why you take your time to process your emotions and you never disregard them or treat them lightly.
2. You’re comfortable with your emotions
You’re not afraid to be emotional and you don’t try to avoid them, especially the negative and difficult ones. You let them happen to you while you understand that your emotions are temporary.
You don’t fight them or suppress them — You embrace them. You know they’re the window into your inner working, so you try to learn as much as you can and take mental notes to manage yourself better next time.
3. You don’t let your emotions dictate your behaviours
You know emotions can be overwhelming but you don’t let them take control over you. You don’t instantly react to any feeling you might have. You wait them out. You give yourself space and time to understand them and make the most beneficial course of actions.
You think long-term instead of focusing on alleviating the negative emotions quickly. You create a space between feeling and reacting, and you understand you don’t have to react to everything that makes you feel something. You choose to make well-informed decisions instead of emotionally charged ones.
4. You don’t try to evoke emotional reactions from others out of insecurity and neediness
You don’t act with a goal to get a reaction from others. You don’t expect others to mind-read you. You say what you mean and you mean what you say.
There’s no hidden meaning. There’s no cover-up for your real emotions. You communicate your feelings clearly and calmly to help others understand you better instead of inviting arguments.
You don’t engage in dramatising a situation to catch attention and delay decision-making. You cut your losses as soon as you could.
5. You take responsibility for your inner states
You understand no one’s responsible for your feelings but you. People might trigger certain feelings in you but at the end of the day, it’s all on you to manage your inner state and you’re confident with this.
You don’t expect or wait for others to make you feel better — you take deliberate actions to make yourself feel better. You’re controlled and purposeful in the way you respond to a person or a situation.
6. You can manage your ego.
You’re not afraid to ask for help. You don’t feel the need to seek approvals from others. You value being humbled and level-headed. You don’t think admitting you’re wrong, apologising for your mistakes or showing your vulnerability makes you weak — You believe it makes you stronger.
Instead of comparing yourself to others and obsessing over being the best, you’re eager to learn and you navigate towards those who challenge you and make you a better person.
7. You’re self-reliant and independent
You’re confident in your ability to take care of yourself either physically or emotionally. You understand that no external factor could decide your inner state — You do. When things don’t go the way you expect, your first instinct is to turn inward and you know you would be able to help yourself.
You’re resourceful and you’re empowered to keep yourself fulfilled and balanced regardless of what might happen to you. You’re grateful for the good things in your life but you don’t pity yourself for the bad ones. You make decisive choices which prioritise your happiness.