Getting over a break-up

Ellen Nguyen

Hi there! I’m a freelance writer and content creator based in London. I moved from Vietnam to the UK when I was 17. That was when I started Loveful Mind as a personal blog. It has now grown to become a library of content about relationships, personal growth, mental well-being, and intentional living, written by me and other writers. My overall mission is to help intuitive women thrive and build a life they love! Join me!

Dating and relationships should add value to your life!

All about your Attachment Style

New YouTube Video

From being insecure, anxiously attached, people pleasing, depressed, and hitting rock bottom to being happily married, a homeowner in London, and living my best life, it’s been a whirlwind. But it didn’t just happen by chance. Watch the video to find out how!

How I drastically transformed my dating life & manifested my dream relationship in less than a year