How to Succeed At Dating During Coronavirus

Wondering how people are managing to remain afloat with their social circles and finding dates during this ensuing pandemic? 

Especially with reasonably sociable people being forced to give up their outgoing ways and spend their days alone, dating prospects seem to be thinning out rapidly. 


Well, no! 

Thanks to online dating, meeting new people is no longer a challenging feat, even with Covid-19 doing its best to deter our normal routines. Furthermore, with the blessing that video calls are, you can set up a fun date with your special someone when social distancing measures are in place. 

If you are among those who are actively seeking out online dating coronavirus tips, here are a few suggestions to improve the quality of your experience effectively. 

Take your pick from the different apps available 

In recent years, online dating has become much more prolific with the introduction of different types of apps. While Tinder continues to remain the top app when it comes to online matchmaking, there are several others like Hinge, Bumble, OkCupid, and Grindr to choose from. 

Before you decide to embark on the virtual dating journey, make sure you know about the features, pros and cons, and benefits offered by each of these apps. To avoid decision fatigue, you should talk to two to three people maximum at a time and only continue to swipe when you’ve decided that these people are not for you. 

Be your real self and get the conversation flowing 

The dating game can be difficult for single folks. Especially with dating apps and social media being the only two reliable mediums through which you can connect to prospective partners right now, you might be tempted to create a persona to appease others. 

This is the first mistake you should avoid if you are trying to get into the online dating space! 

Starting something off based on lies and make-belief can leave a trail of damages in the long-run. It is, thus, imperative to indulge in conversations that genuinely interest you, instead of giving in to the pressure of coming off as “interesting”.

In this time of Covid-19, it’s also unlikely that you can go on a date immediately after getting matched, so if you try to be anything other than your real self, it’d be very tiring to keep it up until meeting in person. 

Set up a romantic virtual date

Now that you have explored and find yourself a suitable match, it is time to set up the actual date. With social distancing in effect, Zoom calls or FaceTime can be your saviour.

Here are a few things that you can integrate into the process which can make the dating experience worthwhile –  

  • Find the cosiest, most romantic spot in your room/apartment. 

  • Update your music list and play something soft to set the mood. 

  • Curate the background that will be visible during the date to give the other person an insight into your personality. 

  • It might be a good idea to do some type of exercise before the date to give you that post-workout glow and positive energy. 

  • Lighting is important so make sure you pick a reasonable time for the date and sit near the windows. 

  • Make sure the conversation is two-way and observe if you’re asked personal questions. If you’re the only one who is talking, it’s a red flag. If you’re giving monologues, it’s not a good sign either.

  • To avoid the awkwardness of not knowing when is the right time to end the date, keep the first one short and mention the end time when scheduling it. For example, you can say, “Let’s have a quick call first as an introduction. I have to sort some stuff out at X o’clock but I’m very excited to spend this time with you!” 

Make an effort in making yourself look good 

Even though you are setting up a virtual date, dressing up like you would when meeting each other in person can go a long way in making the occasion a success. 

The effort into executing the whole event shows your date that you value them and would naturally pique their interest in having more such dates in the future. Especially, the first impression counts. During the date, try to sit up right, look into the camera smiling and, if possible, make your hands visible to the camera as this can signal to your date that you’re honest and transparent.

Ensure that there’s no surprise tech issues

Suppose you are in the middle of an engrossing conversation and your video call glitches. Nothing can be more frustrating than this, right?  

Well, to eliminate the chances of such mishaps, check your WiFi connection before your date begins. Make sure that everything — from screen brightness to angle, video call functionality, and power source — is in order to ensure that you can bestow your undivided attention to your date. 

How about meeting in person?

It’s possible to be meeting your date in person while protecting yourself with a mask, gloves, and keeping a 2-meter distance from them. Some popular outdoor date ideas during this time are going to the park, riding bikes, hiking, or a social-distancing picnic.

It’s not a bad idea to check your attraction and chemistry in person, but it’s best not to jump into the physical and sexual aspects of dating at this point. Take your time to get to know each other conversationally or through social distancing activities until the lockdown is fully lifted in your area.

Even though dating as we know it is temporarily on a halt due to Covid-19, these few tips can help you make the most of your romantic time during the lockdown. It’s not an easy time to date with purpose; nevertheless, it’s good to make contact with other people especially if you’ve been feeling lonely lately. Keep your expectations low and know that you’re worthy and enough.

Brush up your dating profile today and give online dating during coronavirus a try! 

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