Read this if you’re in your 20s and feel like giving up today

a person sitting on a mountain getting over the thought "I want to give up"

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I really want to do with my life, where I should go next, and who I am as an individual. It’s not that I didn’t before. But this year, amidst moments when the thought ‘I want to give up’ fleetingly crosses my mind, I’ve become so much more focused than ever.

Redefining purpose and rejecting mediocrity

One thing I know for sure is that I’ve never been and will never be one of those people who wake up every day to the same 9 to 5 job they only feel lukewarm about. In times when I feel like saying ‘I want to give up,’ I remind myself of the mediocrity I can’t live with. Mediocrity, to me, is a disease. I don’t want to settle, especially when I’m still young and have so many opportunities ahead.

I don’t want to make irrevocably wrong choices or have no choice but to be stuck where I don’t belong, with people who don’t share the same energy and vision. The journey is tough. Sometimes the thought ‘I want to give up’ is tempting, but then I remember my goals and aspirations. I’m burning inside. I have so much to give and need an environment where I can radiate my heat most progressively and effectively.

Some people blend in, tone themselves down, or settle for less than what they truly want. I understand. It’s easy and comfortable. But frankly, sorry, I don’t want to be them. I sympathise but I don’t empathise. I refuse to believe it’s ever too late to be who you want to be, to live a life you feel genuinely excited about.

Embracing the journey of self-improvement and resilience

And I’m not naive. I know it won’t happen overnight. There’ll be failure, missed opportunities, and that deeply painful possibility that you would always have to live in the shadow of your own dreams simply because you aren’t good enough. But you just have to keep your head up and believe your dream life is possible.

To anyone out there thinking ‘I want to give up,’ remember that your breakthrough could be just around the corner.

I want to remind myself that I have time. I’m only at the very beginning. The story is nowhere near the end yet. My life is changing, and I’m evolving. This year, I’ve made so much progress and learned many valuable lessons that I MUST give myself credit for.

A final message of hope and determination

People like me, who are constantly finding ways to improve and achieve their goals, will move ahead one way or the other. The one thing I need to be conscious of is letting go of the past, overwriting the narrative of losing and failing, and telling myself the story of a winner.

The reality is, I don’t know what’s next. I’m pretty certain I will lose and fail many times again. I will spiral into the pit of my depression and wish I could disappear because trying endlessly and not knowing if my effort will ever amount to anything is exhausting.

But — and this is a big BUT — I also know for every step backward there are two steps forward. So if I fail, I will accept it, learn from it, and try again. I don’t have much at the moment, but what I do have, I believe, is crucial: the right attitude and mindset. I know I will always get somewhere.

My friends, my fellow young people, the confused and lost souls, I know you’re hurt, unsure, and tired, but don’t be foolish. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t give up.

Read this if you're in your 20s and feel like giving up today

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